Content Editor ‭[2]‬

​About the Minister

Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Bio-data of Honourable  ​John Michaë​​​l ​​Tzoun Sao YEUNG SIK YUEN ​​​​, MP (1st Elected Member for Constituency No. 17, Curepipe and Midlands)​

Minister of Commerce and Consumer Protection

​John Michaë​​​l ​​Tzoun Sao​
Surname:​​​ ​YEUNG SIK YUEN ​
Marital Status: Married​​ 
Education: Concordia University
Montreal, Qué​bec, Canada
Bachelor of Commerce (B Comm)
Major in Marketing
August 1992 to December 1995

Champlain College
St Lambert, Québec, Canada
Diplome D'Etudes Collé​giales (CEGEP)
Honor Roll List - April 1992
August 1989 - June 1992


Professional: Highly motivated and innovative executive experienced in marketing, network marketing, tourism, retail and wholesale operations. Customer-service focused in a professional corporate environment. Key accomplishments include boosting sales and revenues during difficult economic period.​​
Poli​tical:​Third mandate as Member of the National Assembly;
Former Minister of Business, Enterprise, Commerce and Consumer Protection; 
Former Minister of Tourism and Leisure.

Residential Address:

41 Ligne Berthaud Street

Tel Office: Thro' CS ​460-2599​
Fax Office:​ ​468-7408​
E-mail :​
