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​​Consumer Affairs Unit​​

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬

​​The Consumer Affairs Unit (CAU) is a specialized unit within the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection, which caters for the protection of consumers in general.​The CAU has the responsibility of enforcing the various consumer legislations and of providing overall consumer satisfaction and security.

Ensuring that stakeholders thriving within a competitive business environment are aware of consumer rights as well as the responsibilities and obligations of the business community towards them​.

​​​​To create confident and empowered customers.​​


The main objectives of the CAU are as follows:

  • To protect consumers through enforcement of laws
  • To educate consumers of their rights and responsibilities
  • To settle disputes between traders and consumers by mutual agreement or in case  of deadlock through a court of justice
  • To update existing laws to meet new challenges ahead


 Towards the fulfillment of these objectives, the CAU has the following main areas of activities:

  • Consumer education through direct contacts with local people and with the media
  • Handling of complaints reported by consumers  
  • Ensuring that traders are complying with consumer legislations
  • Conducting surveys and collecting data on the costing, stock, supply and              distribution of both controlled and non-controlled goods and making the  appropriate recommendations
  • Preparing information pamphlets to disseminate information to the general  public
  •  ​Collecting samples of steel bars, firecrackers and toys for submission to the ​ Mauritius Standards Bureau for testing
  • Checking trade premises to ensure compliance
  • Receiving and processing applications for the registration of warehouses


  • Formulate policies and programmes and strengthen mechanisms for the development of a consumer policy including consumer protection and product safety
  • Provision of appropriate, accurate and accessible information, eductaion and advice for consumers and businesses on consumer laws
  • ​Protection of consumers through awareness campaigns on their rights and responsibilities
  • Investigation of unsafe consumer products
  • Enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act and other legislations concerning customers 

Our Services

  • Enforcing Consumer Legislations
  • Attending Complaints from Consumers
  • Educating Consumers
  • Price fixing of controlled commodities under the Maximum Mark up System, the Maximum Price System and the Maximum Recommended Retail Price.

Contact Details : 


Level 1​, SICOM Tower,

Wall Street, Ebène Cybercity,
Ebène 72202
Republic of Mauritius

 ​ : +(230) 460-2500 

  :  185  (Hotline) ​​

  : +(230) 468-7395 / 

               +(230) 468-7404​
