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​Guidelines on Trade Fair and Exhibition

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The holding of events which comprises different categories such as trade fair, business/industrial salon and book sale are regulated by the Consumer Protection (Events) Regulations 2013.

Application procedures​

Application for the holding of events should be made on the prescribed forms as per the First Schedule of the Consumer Protection (Events) Regulations 2013 which is available at the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection , level 6, Air Mauritius Building, Port-Louis and may also be downloaded from the website of the Ministry on (Address of webpage in “downloadable forms")

 Submissions of Applications

The duly filled application forms should be submitted not less than 2 months before the proposed first day of the event with all the supporting documents as follows:

(a)       Copy of Business Registration Card/Certificate of incorporation

(b)       Shareholding in other companies

(c)       List of local participants, including number of stall allocated

(d)       List of foreign participants, including number of stall allocated

(e)       A site plan of the location, showing the stalls allocated and the names of the participants

(f)        Authorisation of owner of premises

(g)       Local Authority authorisation

(h)       Insurance Cover (Fire and Allied Perils)

(i)        Public liability insurance

(j)       Letter of confirmation from the Mauritius Revenue Authority that it has been notified of the holding of the event

International Participation

An international event is one where there is the participation of foreigners. For such event, the applicant has to submit his/her application to the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection ​ and subsequently approval will then be sought from the Prime Minister's Office. No application will be considered where the event entails the participation of foreigners unless the prior written approval of the Prime Minister's Office is obtained.

 Fees Applicable​

Event No of days Fees Applicable
    Local participants only Local and Foreign participants Foreign participants only
Book Sales 1-10 - - -
Industrial/Business Salon 1-10 - 50,000 100,000
Trade Fair 1-3 200,000 - -
4-10 400,000 - -
International Book Sales 1-10   25,000 50,000
International Trade Fair 1-3 - 500,000 500,000
4-10 - 850,000 850,000


Exempted Entities​

The following local bodies are exempted from the payment of fees: -

(a)  a co-operative society registered under the Co-operatives Act;

(b)  a small enterprise and a medium enterprise referred to in the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority Act;

(c)  the National Women's Council established under the National Women's Council Act;

(d)  the National Women Entrepreneur Council established under the National Women Entrepreneur Council Act;

(e)  the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board established under the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board Act.


Every organiser shall, within 15 days after the holding of an event, submit to the Ministry a return in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule of the Consumer Protection (Events) Regulations 2013.